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留言須知:姓名和Email為必填,但是Email並不會顯示在網站上以避免垃圾郵件的攻擊。可使用部分的HTML語法。 留言時按enter空行,系統會自動轉換斷行。 舊站留言版記錄(為PDF檔案格式,可免費下載Adobe Reader安裝至電腦後閱讀)。怡靜 | 2006.05.01 13:55 | #
那個德文是spam!都是robot發的,留言內容都是good site, wonderful這類稱讚的話. 陳真 | 2006.05.01 11:55 | #
之前有個用德文寫的留言不見,被刪了?? 但我看內容開頭有個gut(good),好像不是來亂的不是嗎? 陳真 | 2006.04.30 18:43 | #
謝謝懷軒. 無力感不一定是壞事,別說社會或 "許大世界",就光說我自己,除了債台和血壓向上提昇,其他一切幾乎都每況愈下,總感覺像電影 "恨" 裏那個人,從一百層樓往下掉,每掉一樓就對自己說 so far so good, so far so good,嗯,目前還好還好唸個不停. 但電影說,重要的不是降落,而是著陸. 喊了一百次so far so good 之後,接著就是著陸那轟然巨響. 如果故事就寫到這,似乎也不壞,叔本華就是這樣,無力感總比有力感更接近現實. 以為自己很有力的人,在我看來,多少有點智能不足. 不過,我總覺得故事應該還有個下文,儘管每況愈下,儘管一切美好都將告終,但彷彿這一切連同毀滅和邪惡本身都是好的. 一行禪師曾經說,"當你對自己的痛苦都能感到是一種奇蹟,你就得著了解脫". 我知道進步青年向來有力感很強,不屑這一類妖言惑眾,但這就像個福音,信者得救. 從書上剪一段話給你看: Wittgenstein remarked that when someone said he was optimistic because the law of historical development showed that things were bound to get better--this was nothing he could admire. "On the other hand, if someone says: 'By the look of them, things are getting worse, and I can find no evidence to suggest that they will improve. And yet in spite of this, I believe things will get better!' --I can admire that."- (如果有人根據某種法則,對歷史或社會的發展感到樂觀,維根斯坦說,這沒什麼好讓人佩服的.但如果正好相反,如果有人認為事情顯然只會越來越糟,無一絲好轉跡象,但儘管如此,我仍相信明天會更好. 維根斯坦說,這樣的態度贏得我的心.) 叔本華認為,世界很可怕,生命是一場悲劇,所以我們應超脫於上,棄之而去,接受無力的事實. 維根斯坦則認為,不管世界怎麼樣,它終究都是好的. 諸如這些,當然都不是一種有關實證事物的預言,而是有關實證事物的態度. 怡靜 | 2006.04.30 00:32 | #
懷軒, 可以轉貼這兩篇文章。網頁上方"關於本站"裡有寫到關於轉貼事宜,除了部分文章及我們從別處轉貼來的以外,只要是我們撰寫或翻譯的,在遵守Creative Commons條件下,都可以轉貼。謝謝! 懷軒 | 2006.04.28 08:16 | #
你們好,我想轉貼陳真先生的"星巴克只賣咖啡嗎"和鑑惠學姊的"建立人民觀點"兩篇文章到我個人的網誌http://spaces.msn.com/miniart1989/,我其實上個月就已經把你們的網站加入連結了,希望你們不介意。 陳真 | 2006.04.24 06:00 | #
報告阿忠,我們都是用DVD PLAYER 看比較多. 我家地址還記得吧? 若忘了,請再跟我說. over! More good films! | 2006.04.11 18:46 | #
London Palestine Film Festival 2006 April 21st – May 5th, Barbican Cinema & SOAS The London Palestine Film Festival is the largest event of its kind in Europe. Now in its second year at the Barbican Centre, the festival brings together the finest in narrative, art, documentary and experimental work related to the subject of Palestine. In keeping with the festival’s commitment to providing a platform for rarely seen work from a broad spectrum of perspectives, this year’s rich programme includes work from five continents treating themes such as Palestine in the visual archive, women and resistance, refugees and identity, and Palestinians in Israel. Guests of the 2006 festival include some of the most exciting figures in Palestinian film-making, such as multi award-winning actor and director Mohammed Bakri (Jenin, Jenin; Since You Left), writer and director Rashid Mashrawi (Waiting (Attente); Metres Away), and Juliano Mer-Khamis (Arna’s Children). Panel discussions, special double-bills and a series of Q & A sessions will supplement what is a rich programme with unique opportunities to discuss specific works as well as general themes relating to video art, Arab cinema and political film-making. The festival will be opened on April 21st by acclaimed Egyptian novelist and critic Ahdaf Soueif, and following the London premiere of startling new German-Lebanese documentary ‘Massaker,’ director Monika Borgmann will join the audience for an exclusive Q & A session on this remarkable and challenging new film. All told, some 32 works will be shown over the course of the festival. As in previous years, these have been selected to offer audiences a chance to engage with both new and established artists, and to see unusual, lost or previously banned work not generally available, as well as new work premiering in the UK. For the full 2006 schedule, please visit the festival website: www.palestinefilm.org 迦南人 | 2006.04.08 15:18 | #
伊朗伊斯兰共和国对外广播电台华语台采访问:中国民间声援巴勒斯坦联合会主席田川先生你好?首先请你简单的介绍一下你自己, 同时请您介绍一下中国民间声援巴勒斯坦联合会及 ... 答:中国民间声援巴勒斯坦联合会 成立于去年9月1号,在中国五个地区有自己的分会,就是北京、河北、甘肃、浙江、新疆。 ...
耳東陳不便具名 | 2006.03.16 21:49 | #
怎麼轉貼都行. 謝謝雅紅,沒記錯名字吧?! bicycle cook | 2006.03.15 12:00 | #
謝謝陳真,因考量版面,故部份轉貼,再做連結到原文。http://blog.xuite.net/sourtime/2005/5530516 耳東陳無臉見人 | 2006.03.08 08:59 | #
謝謝廚娘,可以轉貼啊. 很高興上次有機會和你們走一回,可惜我沒走完. 其實我不了解樂生,純粹盲從,追隨阿忠腳步. 最近有些劍橋學生發起一個抗議,就是針對星巴克,但我沒去,因為我根本不知道星巴克在哪. 我對這些頭上會發光的東西,往往視而不見,什麼星巴克? 辛巴達(七航妖島)倒是聽過. bicycle cook | 2006.03.07 15:45 | #
阿忠也來了。 我想請問陳真,我可以轉貼星巴克只賣咖啡嗎? 謝謝一起做這個網站的朋友們。 All Pages | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136
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