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睡觉的番薯 | 2005.07.12 14:44 | #

李小科 现场整理





陳真 | 2005.07.12 01:17 | #













陳真 2005. 7. 11.

陳真 | 2005.07.11 13:27 | #

妳說 "下次會抓更精確點的數據, 再度謝謝提醒."


就好像我若想指控五輕對後勁的傷害,這時候,我若把後勁該地每年的死亡人數做為五輕害死人的人數,那是不是很奇怪? 這不是一種有關 "精確" 的 "提醒",而是一種不可思議的錯誤之令人訝異.

我們一般對真理對知識常有一堆感人的格言,鼓吹 "討論" 這東西對文明社會之建立的基本價值,但是,東西方社會對於 "討論" 的態度卻截然不同.

我以為,"討論" 就是找出對方的問題所在或補充對方之不足,那才叫做討論. 但是,在台灣,"討論" 就跟談情說愛差不多,往往只能附和讚賞,誰要是膽敢真的 "討論",往往就會惹來不快或甚至結下樑子. 身為台灣人,我已經被訓練得盡量學習噤聲不語,當做沒看到,或盡量不看不說.

學姐常喜歡故意傳一些台灣的進步文章給我看,比如來自某個全台灣號稱最 "進步" 最具 "批判" 性的討論群文章 (恕我沒膽子指名,而且, 人家都是學者專家,我可不想自取其辱),希望我看了生氣,以便從中取樂,但我為了健康著想,其實都放著不看或直接刪掉.

我關心的不是某種出於疏忽的錯誤,我關心的是某些不可能出現的 "基本" 錯誤居然大量而普遍地出現,這意味著一種信口開河的普世文化,這意味著說話者並不知道(或許也不在乎)自己在說什麼.

我不是說我不會犯錯,但我不會犯一種基本的錯,我不會把相對論視為一種道德理論進而大加議論,我也不會把一所醫院每年病人死亡總數,解讀為醫生誤診 "醫死" 的人數.

華人世界很不習慣意見不同或指出錯誤,亞里斯多德說: "把是說成不是,把不是說成是,是錯的;把是說成是,把不是說成不是,是對的." 可是, 我在台灣卻有一種很深的孤立感和痛苦,當我想 "把是說成是,把不是說成不是" 時,總是得開始考量各種 "政治" 因素,開始猶豫我到底該說是或不是,或者該怎麼藉著說不是來說是,或是如何用十個是來包裝一個不是,或是乾脆眛著良心說是或不是,或是該找到什麼時機才來說是或不是,或是對誰該說是,對另一個人就該說不是不是,絕對不是.

到處都是 "政治",實在很痛苦,我不知道有多少人跟我同病相憐,有著同樣的痛苦,但這種痛苦實在很痛苦.

為了人情,為了輩份,為了各式各樣的 "政治" 考量,是或不是將不是一個簡單的知識問題,而變成一種 "藝術",一種 "政治" 問題.

上高中時,看到林義雄那些名言,他反對一種 "三國演義式" 的政治,他說: "我相信: 政治是一種科學,對就是對,錯就是錯. 我願抱著是非分明的態度,投身政治". 這段話,就像一顆原子彈,深深撼動我的心.

至今我仍懷抱同樣的渴望,期待政治是一種科學,期待知識是一種六親不認的獨立存在物,但事實上,政治依然是政治,政治依然是一種三國演義式的宮廷遊戲. 這樣一種 "政治",滲透我們生活的幾乎每個層面,包括知識.


我不是說犯錯很糟糕,我感到挫折的是人們對那些荒謬的基本錯誤之態度,一種 "不覺得有什麼關係" 的態度,就好像社會上有那麼多荒謬的事,例如公然違反人權或政府官員滿口謊言,大家居然都不怎麼在乎,見怪不怪,是這樣一種態度讓人覺得恐怖.

哈巴狗電台曾經頒 "哈巴狗金狗獎" 給一些信口開河的 "名人",引來一些報應. 可我不明白,這些整天在媒體上說個不停的座談會專家,他們犯下那麼多基本的錯誤,信口開河那麼多荒謬好笑的事,為什麼都不會覺得自責或慚愧?

更奇怪的是,居然還是有那麼多人願意繼續聽他們胡說八道,只因為他們的什麼立場跟他一樣. 但事實上,座談會專家們根本沒有立場,他們純粹是看風向來決定該說是或不是.當他們說是時,可以說得 "義憤填膺",當他們說不是時,照樣還是 "義憤填膺".

當 "知識" 變成一種 "政治",當是非變成一種利害時,那是挺痛苦的一件事.

陳真 2005. 7. 11.

陳真 | 2005.07.11 10:33 | #

抱歉抱歉,我那些 "聯想" 是反覆一直在講的,與妳無關;我不認為妳是故意的,但我也不認為那位教授是故意的.


不管是不是故意,同樣的問題畢竟太普遍,普遍到一種地步: 讓人幾乎有一種疑心病,我總是無法輕易相信各種資料或解釋的正確性. 因為人們似乎不會對這類錯誤感到驚訝,彷彿覺得那也沒什麼,是我大驚小怪.

這就像一種精神刑求,我的確感覺在這樣一種信口開河的普世文化中,感覺飽受精神虐待. 也許是我有毛病,但我總覺得一種意思就是一種意思,它跟另一種意思之間理應有個無法單靠解釋就能填平的差距. 當這個微妙差距或重大差距總是可以任意被填平,就會讓人覺得挺痛苦.

我對社會學對精神科醫師對各種評論家,常覺得很感冒,一部份原因就在於他們信口開河得太厲害,依照他們所持的一些 "邏輯",任何一種結論都能被製造出來.


不管他們批判哪一邊,他們所秉持的與其說是批判,不如說是用一種文學筆法,編織各種自欺欺人的八卦. 當然,這些 "文學筆法" 是用各種酷炫進步理論或字眼所組成.

陳真 2005. 7. 11.

wendelin | 2005.07.11 09:04 | #

這是對事不對人, 所以我不會覺得'被找麻煩', 況且我確實有疏忽. 當時引用他的數據和資料時沒有批判性理解, 往往看到立場接近的論點就會疏忽去檢視, 這種態度確實需要檢討.

不過讀到你後半段的想法, 只能說希望不會因為我個人的疏忽就被聯想成是刻意扭曲事實或誇大來建立運動的正當性, 當然客觀情勢的演變不是由我主觀解釋, 且公開發表的論述就該需要被檢視評估, 斷非'疏忽'二字就能了事.

只是希望我個人的問題不至於讓你聯想到對其他人的批評, 彷彿就是有這們一群不實事求是的人, 扭曲或撒謊. 針對我批評就好了. 否則我不知該怎麼去回應這些'聯想', 當然我也許不需要對號入座.

陳真 | 2005.07.11 08:49 | #





陳真 2005. 7. 11.

陳真 | 2005.07.11 08:17 | #



我剛看了這位 Gideon Polya的文章:



這一切,不但錯誤,而且荒謬,裏頭錯誤太多,講不完。我只舉個例來講。這位學者明明知道 excess mortality,但他卻故意混淆 excess mortality 和 mortality 的區別。而且,把我們一般在談到伊阿人道災難時常說的「可避免」之死亡或死亡率(avoidable mortality),等同於 excess mortality。這很荒謬。



這幾天,台灣朋友來玩,說想看社運場面。我們就帶他們去劍橋市中心看一個街頭演講。有位講者說,劍橋有百分之二十的小孩,生活在歐盟所訂貧窮線底下。我覺得很不可思議,不相信這數字。沒想到他進一步說,英國 Glasgow的失業率是百分之五十。





To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that is, or what is not that is not, is true.--Aristotle




陳真 2005. 7. 10.

wendelin | 2005.07.11 03:51 | #

不會啊, 謝謝你的提醒. 我當時是直接引用那位澳洲學者的數據, 包含他把它跟二次大戰納粹屠殺死亡孩童人數做對比.我說的是佔領期間死亡孩童人數, 我並沒有說英美聯軍殺掉那麼多人, 不過更精確的應該去比對開戰前和佔領前和之後的死亡人數差距才能算出戰爭和佔領的衝擊.

下次我會抓更精確點的數據, 再度謝謝你的提醒.

陳真 | 2005.07.11 02:06 | #

抱歉 wendelin, 我給妳唱了個反調,底下是投給中時的,但我估計應該不會登出才對.先貼在此.



陳真 2005. 7. 10.




至於伊拉克,相對來講,比阿富汗好很多。所謂一百五十萬小孩的死亡,主要是指阿富汗,不是伊拉克。當海珊仍是美國「忠實盟友」時,雖然在美生化武器供應下,屠殺伊朗及庫德族人,但海珊在公衛民生方面,卻做得很出色,更具有阿拉伯世界數一數二醫療系統。跟美國鬧翻後,長達十二年的南北禁飛區轟炸及非人道禁運,始造成伊拉克今日民不聊生局面,五十萬五歲以下兒童死於不良公衛。但美軍入侵後,到底死了多少人,相關研究卻很少,其中最為驚人的是醫學期刊《The Lancet》所提出的十萬人死亡(包括大人小孩及各種死亡因素)。這十萬不是所有死亡人口,而是估計比平常「多」出來的死亡人數。把所有死亡人數視為戰爭亡魂是錯的。


wendelin | 2005.06.29 08:43 | #

這是Tom Hurndall的網站 http://www.tomhurndall.co.uk/

陳真 | 2005.06.29 00:31 | #

Lobby of Parliament to call for an end to Israel’s WMD

Lobby of Parliament – 2-7pm on the 13th July 2005

Public meeting - Committee Room 9 from 4-6 pm on the 13th July 2005

A national lobby of Parliament has been called for the 13th July 2005 from 2-7pm. The central message of the lobby is that Israel’s weapons of mass destruction have been tolerated for far too long. The hypocrisy governing attitudes to Israel’s possession of WMD must end, and real steps must be taken to ensure Israel complies with international treaties and UN resolutions. Speakers at a public meeting in Parliament on the afternoon of the lobby include Bruce Kent, Frank Barnaby, Mandy Turner, Mahmoud Hawari, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Glen Rangwala, Kate Hudson, Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and Betty Hunter, General Secretary of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons as well as many other weapons of mass destruction. New delivery systems with ranges of over 4,800 km can threaten numerous countries, causing regional instability, and even greater ranges are planned. Israel ignores UN resolutions calling for a nuclear weapons free Middle East, and refuses to sign up to international treaties banning or controlling WMD. It will not acknowledge publicly that it has nuclear weapons and has not signed up to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel now has a partnership agreement with NATO. The European Arms Trade is providing submarines and aircraft which could be used for delivery of WMD. This trade is also involved in oppressing the Palestinians and undermining their resistance to occupation.

Kate Hudson, Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, said,

“Israel’s weapons of mass destruction have been tolerated for far too long. The hypocrisy governing attitudes to Israel’s actions must end and real steps must be taken to ensure Israel complies with UN resolutions calling for a nuclear weapons free Middle East. This would contribute hugely to the possibility of peace in the Middle East. The US talks of the dangers of nuclear proliferation. The UK is also quick to join the US in condemning ‘rogue states’ for their possible nuclear ambition, in the case of Iraq, to go to war on the premise of non-existent WMD. Yet for the past 40 years the nuclear weapon states have been complicit in the ‘nuclear ambiguity’ of Israel. Israel is thought to have between 100-400 nuclear weapons. The country is also recognised as having a production capability for chemical and even biological weapons.”

Betty Hunter, General Secretary of Palestine Solidarity Campaign said,

“The recklessly partisan approach of our government which allows Israel to act with impunity on the acquisition and development of nuclear weapons as well as on its other breaches of international law must be challenged. We urge people from all walks of life to join us in our lobby, to impress upon the British government that we demand effective action to curb nuclear proliferation and bring peace to the Middle East.”

The lobby is jointly organised by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament(http://www.cnduk.org/)and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign(http://www.palestinecampaign.org/)and is supported by Al-Awda, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Campaign Against Arms Trade, Campaign to Free Vanunu and for a Nuclear Free Middle East, Friends of Sabeel, Labour Action for Peace, Pax Christi, Stop the War Coalition, World Court Project. (end)

Notes to Editor:

1. For further information and interviews with people taking part in the lobby and speakers please contact Ruth Tanner CND's Press & Communications Officer on 0207 7002350 or 07968 420859

2. A press conference has been called for the morning of the lobby. 10:30am Room C, 1 Parliament Street nr tube Westminster

3. For further information on the lobby and its demands - http://www.cnduk.org/pages/campaign/isrl.html

4. This lobby demands that: -

The UN inspects facilities in Israel for Weapons of Mass Destruction [WMD] and puts in place verification and monitoring.

- The British government and the EU work for Israeli compliance with, and ratification of, the NPT, CWC, BTWC and FMCT treaties.

- A WMD- free zone in the Middle East, including Israel, is UK Policy.

- Israel’s Star Wars is not supported by the UK government and the EU.

- An embargo is imposed on the sale of all UK and EU relevant military equipment to, and from, Israel, breaking off all military contacts.

- The United Kingdom asks the EU to insist that Israel complies with its obligations under international law.

- Full Freedom for Mordechai Vanunu

5. Public meeting in Parliament in Committee room 9 on July 13th 4-6 pm. Speakers include: Bruce Kent, Frank Barnaby, Mandy Turner, Mahmoud Hawari, Jeremy Corbyn M.P and Glen Rangwala, Chairs: Betty Hunter and Kate Hudson

6. The lobby is jointly organised by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament www.cnduk.org and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign www.palestinecampaign.org And is supported by the following organisations: Al-Awda, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Campaign Against Arms Trade, Campaign to Free Vanunu and for a Nuclear Free Middle East, Friends of Sabeel, Labour Action for Peace, Pax Christi, Stop the War Coalition, World Court Project.

7. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is one of Europe’s biggest single-issue peace campaigns, with over 32,000 members in the UK. CND campaigns for the abolition of all nuclear weapons everywhere(http://www.cnduk.org/)

Ruth Tanner

Press and Communications Officer

CND - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
direct line 020 7700 2350
switchboard 020 7700 2393
mobile 07968 420859
fax 020 7700 2357
e-mail pressoffice@cnduk.org
web www.cnduk.org

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is one of Europe’s biggest single-issue peace campaigns, with over 32,000 members in the UK. CND campaigns for the abolition of all nuclear weapons everywhere.

陳真 | 2005.06.28 23:34 | #


陳真 | 2005.06.28 22:51 | #

British Family Not Satisfied with Israeli Court’s Verdict

Hurndall: Convicted Israeli Soldier ‘Scapegoat’ of Higher up Chain of Command


Palestine Media Center – PMC

A verdict by an Israeli military court on Monday convicting a “sniper” of the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) of manslaughter of British peace activist Tom Hurndall failed to satisfy the Hurndall family, who complained that the soldier was a “scapegoat” and had been “laid at the sacrificial altar of Israeli policy.”

Israeli Sergeant Taysir Wahid was convicted by a military court on Monday of the manslaughter of Tom Hurndall two years after he was shot in head “to teach him a lesson” while trying to pull two Palestinian children out of danger in the occupied Gaza Strip.

A sentencing hearing is to be held on July 5 for Taysir, a Bedouin scout who can neither read nor write Hebrew. He faces up to 20 years in prison when sentenced in August.

Shortly before the verdict, Taysir said that he had been singled out because he is an Arab Israeli.

“I did what I was ordered to do and I’m only here because I’m a Bedouin,” he told The Times. “If I were Israeli (Jew), for sure I wouldn’t be sitting here in custody.”

A two-year campaign for justice by Tom’s British family bore fruit Monday when the Israeli army sniper was convicted by a military court of the manslaughter of the 21-year-old photography student, in 2003.

However, the verdict failed to satisfy the Hurndall family.

Vindicating Taysir’s statement, Hurndall the father, himself a lawyer, said: “The finding of manslaughter against this particular soldier is obviously very important but it is only part of the culture that we are concerned with, the culture of impunity, the lack of accountability, the freedom with which (Israeli) soldiers feel they can shoot civilians in this area, and our son was unfortunately a victim of that policy,” the Daily Telegraph quoted him as saying.

Furious that his younger son, Billy, was detained at Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport as he flew into Israel for the hearing, Hurndall said: “We think this goes much higher up the chain of command than this soldier.”

Israeli Military Justice System Clumsy, Inefficient

Hurndall added that he was lucky with his resources and influence that enabled him to bring his son’s case to court, a luxury unaffordable to the families of hundreds of Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers in recent years, he said after the verdict.

“We are concerned that there is a policy which seems to be prevalent in Gaza among the Israeli soldiers and army that they feel able to shoot civilians really without any accountability whatsoever.

“So there are two issues here: one, the apparent tacit policy that seems to be in place that the Palestinian civilians are fair game; and that there is no accountability,” he said.

From the start he had found the Israeli military justice system clumsy and inefficient. For months it refused to accept there was a case to answer. Much of the dishonesty was contained in the first Israeli army report that cleared its soldiers of wrongdoing, he indicated.

“I think he (Taysir) is a scapegoat, a pawn in the larger system, who was laid at the sacrificial altar of Israeli policy,” said Hurndall, who accused Israel of having a policy that made it “fair game” to shoot non-combatants - a charge repeatedly denied by the Israelis.

“What this case brings out is a culture of lack of accountability within the Israeli army, and the freedom with which soldiers feel they can shoot civilians in the field. Our son was unfortunately a victim of that policy,” he said.

Sophie Hurndall: Systematic Process of Israeli Cover up

The IOF originally said it had “no case to answer” over the killing, but the tenacity of an English family - Hurndall's mother Jocelyn, a north London teacher, his father Anthony, a solicitor, and siblings Sophie and Billy - succeeded in proving that the original report was a tissue of lies, The Daily Telegraph reported Tuesday.

Hurndall's sister, Sophie Hurndall, praised the verdict but said the Israeli army must change its practices.

“This kind of thing needs to stop happening. Until that has changed ... we won't really have won,” she told Sky News TV.

She said the Hurndall family had little contact with Israeli authorities during the trial and claimed there had been a “systematic process” of covering up the shooting.

“This soldier was directly responsible for shooting my brother, and not only for his death, but to the point where he was in a coma for a year,” she said. “Tom was rescuing a child - and for me that kind of action was the most despicable action you could carry out,” the sister added.

Mrs. Hurndall had to give up her job to focus full-time on the case.

“When something like this happens it takes over your life completely,” she said. “The pressure of holding down a job was too much.”

Taysir Best Sniper but Bad Liar

Palestinian medics and witnesses said Hurndall was wearing a fluorescent jacket with International Solidarity Movement (ISM) initials on it and trying to pull two Palestinian children out of danger when shots were fired from a nearby IOF watchtower in April 2003.

Taysir shot Tom in the head with a sniper rifle. Hurndall suffered horrific injuries but was still alive when he arrived in hospital. Later he was flown back to Britain for further treatment, although he was found to be in a permanent vegetative state, dying of pneumonia in January 2004, aged 22.

Taysir, the best sniper in his IOF regiment, according to his commanding officer, was manning a pillbox with the call sign Star Two when he saw Tom Hurndall among a group of refugees. He shot at the Briton to “teach him a lesson,” the proceedings made it known.

In his 75-page ruling, Israeli Col Nir Aviram, the chairman of the three-man court martial panel, found that Taysir lied repeatedly about events in the Rafah refugee camp on April 11, 2003.

Another IOF soldier, Ahmad Atawna, already was sentenced to jail for lying to protect Taysir.

The military court found that Taysir shot Hurndall with a sniper rifle using a telescopic sight. It said there was no basis for the claim of malpractice and added that Taysir gave a “confused and even pathetic” version of events to the court.

Taysir also was convicted of obstruction of justice, one count of submitting false testimony, obtaining false testimony and unbecoming behavior. He faces up to 20 years in prison when sentenced in August.

B'Tselem: Taysir’s Conviction ‘the Exception that Proves the Rule’

The case focused attention on an issue that has been a source of fierce debate in recent years. Human rights groups and Palestinians say the Israeli military has killed many unarmed Palestinians, and a number of foreigners, and that shootings are rarely investigated. Israel says it does not target civilians, and that it conducts inquiries in cases where soldiers are suspected of wrongdoing.

The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem says that according to its count, 1,722 Palestinians who were not taking part in the fighting have been killed since September 2000. That figure accounts for about half of all Palestinian deaths.

B'Tselem said that Taysir’s conviction over the Hurndall killing was “the exception that proves the rule,” saying that prosecutors avoided opening military police investigations in all but exceptional cases.

“The judge advocate general's policy not to open military police investigations into the killing of civilians sends IDF (Israel Defence Forces) commanders and soldiers the message that it is unlikely they will be held accountable for harming civilians,” B'Tselem said in a statement Monday.

Similarly a report last week by the Human Rights Watch (HRW) said that “the (Israeli) government's failure to investigate the deaths of innocent civilians has created an atmosphere that encourages soldiers to think they can literally get away with murder.”

HRW said the IOF investigated fewer than 5 per cent of the killings of Palestinian civilians since the start of the Intifada (uprising) in 2000.

Two other British citizens have been killed by the IOF. Cameraman James Miller was shot and killed in Rafah on May 2003 while filming a documentary about the impact of violence on children.

An IOF investigation into the death of 23-year-old US national and ISM activist Rachel Corrie concluded that her being crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer in Rafah in March 2003 had been an accident.

Also, IOF soldiers shot and killed UN aid worker Lain Hook in November 2002 during a gun battle with armed Palestinians in the Jenin refugee camp in northern West Bank.

A British pacifist and three Palestinians were shot and wounded by IOF who attacked a peace protest demonstration against the Apartheid Wall in the southern West Bank village of Yatta village, near Hebron on Monday.

陳真 | 2005.06.28 12:19 | #



BBC 中文網 2005年06月27日












泰西爾在離開法庭時試圖襲擊記者 (圖略)





陳真 | 2005.06.23 22:16 | #



Call for Action
from the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
June 23, 2005

July 9 - Resistance To Go Global:

Call To End Occupation and Israeli Apartheid NOW!

Global Action ... Global Action ... Global Action ... Global Action


July 9th looks set for a global day of action spanning the globe. Events across every continent, taking up the popular calls from Palestine, are being planned now.

The Call for comprehensive boycotts, sanctions and divestment of Apartheid Israel will be launched by the Palestinian people on July 9th with popular mobilization across every district.

Global solidarity with Palestinians struggling against Apartheid and Occupation is crucial. If you are involved in planning activities for July 9th, please contact us now(mailto:europe@stopthewall.org)to coordinate on mobilization and resources. Moreover, why not use the week of July 9 to arrange a presentation of the campaigns new publication(mailto:europe@stopthewall.org)!.

Please e-mail europe@stopthewall.org to get involved and keep checking the website (http://rd.bcentral.com/?ID=2987339&s=12055499)for updates, latest news and new materials and resources.

Call For Action And Solidarity

On July 9th it will be one year since the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled the Apartheid Wall illegal and urged it be torn down, instructing the international community “not to render any aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by it.”

Yet such a resounding verdict seems to have had no more impact than the hundreds of UN resolutions before it that have remained unfulfilled. On the first anniversary of the ICJ decision, we ask you to emphasize what this verdict - if it is to be of any help to the Palestinian struggle for justice - really needs to mean: No aid or assistance to Israel and its racist ghettoization project!

On the 9th of July, popular mobilization all over Palestine will escalate resistance against the Apartheid Wall! The Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign calls upon you to mark the ICJ anniversary:

Boycott Apartheid Israel!

Target your government!

Stop the World Bank and agencies funding Israeli iiApartheid!

Target the UN!

Israel must be pressured to respect international law!

Apartheid can never survive without international support. Build the movement for comprehensive boycotts, sanctions and divestment NOW! Against international support for the Apartheid Wall and for a FREE PALESTINE!



Make July 9th Day of Action

Call for Action - No to “sustainable” Apartheid! Tear down the Wall


A week against international complicity with Israeli Apartheid


Present the Campaign’s latest publication(mailto:europe@stopthewall.org)!

As the Apartheid Wall continues to imprison the Palestinian people in ghettos and to steal and raze their land, the 9th of July will see massive popular resistance to the Apartheid Wall staged by the Campaign’s popular committees (http://stopthewall.org/enginefileuploads/content/jamalintro.pdf)across Palestine. Yet, the 9th of July is also a date that calls for global solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for Liberation and Justice and for pressure to implement the ICJ ruling and ending the Occupation.

We are calling on solidarity groups and organizations all over the world to Mobilize on July 9th:

The Apartheid Wall needs to be torn down now!

International support for Apartheid Israel needs to stop now!

The Campaign is marking the one year anniversary with the launch of a new report: Do-it-yourself Apartheid - Israel, the World Bank and the "development" of the Palestinian ghettos(http://stopthewall.org/enginefileuploads/content/jamalintro.pdf). It highlights how the international community, and specifically the World Bank, has outlined a comprehensive strategy and action plan that maintains and develops the Israeli apartheid infrastructure. Such plans are now guiding the discourse and "development projects" of major donors and threaten the permanent expulsion of the Palestinian people from their lands


It is crucial to initiate global action against the World Bank’s plans and international financial support for Israel’s project of apartheid and expulsion of the Palestinian people. Such a project has so far passed with minimal political or media attention. We are calling upon all solidarity groups (http://stopthewall.org/enginefileuploads/content/jamalintro.pdf)to organize presentations of the book in their own cities and countries. We are currently coordinating events for July 9th around the world based around the new publication and the call for the implementation of the ICJ decision to tear down the Wall.

To raise the profile of the 9th of July, and in solidarity with the mass mobilization throughout Palestine, we ask for your support to make activities across the globe a success. Let us know as soon as possible if you are to present the latest Campaign report in your city – we will send you further information and ensure the publication can be in your city in time for you to organize a successful event. Inform us about any event you are planning! It is the local actions that form the global movement to stop Israeli Apartheid!



Take To The Streets At The G8

Join the Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign at the G8.

The campaign, as part of "The Wall Must Fall" project will join the protests in the streets of Edinburgh (http://rd.bcentral.com/?ID=2987337&s=12055499)at the forthcoming G8 summit, calling for an end to international support and complicity in Israeli Apartheid.

With the G8 coming just a few days before the one year anniversary of the ICJ decision to tear down the Wall, the campaign will call for a global anti-apartheid movement to target the Israeli Occupation and Apartheid project(http://rd.bcentral.com/?ID=2987337&s=12055499), together with the support it has from the G8 countries and their agencies such as the World Bank.

The Wall Must Fall Mass Meeting

Set to be one of the highlights of the G8 protests, The Wall Must Fall, together with Scottish PSC, PSC UK and War on Want are organizing a mass meeting on Monday 4th of July to launch the latest publication of the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign.

Representatives from the campaign, joined by renowned economists and activists Samir Amin (http://rd.bcentral.com/?ID=2987337&s=12055499)and Walden Bello(http://rd.bcentral.com/?ID=2987337&s=12055499), will discuss the need to build an international anti-apartheid movement to provide effective means of isolating Israeli Apartheid through boycotts(http://rd.bcentral.com/?ID=2987337&s=12055499), sanctions and divestment. Join the Campaign at the G8 and support our call to:

Tear Down the Apartheid Wall!


For Free Palestine!


Isolate Apartheid Israel!




Visit the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign web site.

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