留言須知:姓名和Email為必填,但是Email並不會顯示在網站上以避免垃圾郵件的攻擊。可使用部分的HTML語法。 留言時按enter空行,系統會自動轉換斷行。 舊站留言版記錄(為PDF檔案格式,可免費下載Adobe Reader安裝至電腦後閱讀)。五榖不分笨小孩 | 2004.12.13 11:57 | #
版面長怎樣我沒太多意見 不過我想知道標題背景是什麼植物? 我還想知道另外一件事 就是這句'私密語言':"--^。---@@~~~" qegg 魏福全 | 2004.12.13 01:15 | #
悠閒是一種美德 自打嘴巴是修養 看過陳真一百篇文章之後 就不會覺得陳真對人有敵意 挨罵也能當成吃補 可以顧腦的.今天看美麗島25週年專輯 有一種感覺 真相不如傳奇 努力還原真相卻讓感覺越遠 就像戰爭片拍得越寫實恐怖 卻讓人對戰爭的恐懼和感覺越遠. 陳真 | 2004.12.12 23:09 | #
謝謝福全,Naga 和世主. 有時想到這裏挺多朋友,突然就覺得不太敢亂講話,怕破壞形象,也怕人誤會. 比方說我常批評別人的想法,但並無惡意或為敵之意.各方識與不識的朋友,盼能了解這一點,不要介意或產生惡感,就當做是個無害的笨蛋在自言自語或發牢騷吧. 版面問題,想說應該多方收集意見,以便改進--如果技術上辦得到的話. 有人問巴勒網那隻像八爪章魚的 logo 哪去了? 它還在,但在新版下會縮小,所以先擱著. 底下是明天中時晚報要登的文章,其實是上回留言改寫一下而已.太關心世界其實也不好,對心理衛生不好,對人格也不好. "正義感" 不是一個好東西,它傷害一個人的靈魂. 夢使靈魂甦醒 陳真 2004. 12. 10.
德國導演荷索向來推崇笨蛋、怪人,抗拒地面現實。這點美感跟維根斯坦倒很像,維氏說他對這世界不感興趣:「我的哲學工作是:把地球整個丟一旁。」唯有如此,方可見那不可見之奧妙。即便追求真實的記錄片,也應脫離地心引力,因為真實並不存在這世上,而存在外太空。 荷索說,「不惜到外太空尋找清澈、未被污染的影像」。另一德國導演文溫德斯唱反調,強調藝術不在逃出世界,而是指引回到現實。然而現實比抽象更虛幻,夢境反倒更真實。Emir Kusturica 生平最推崇的費里尼,自傳書名就叫《夢是惟一的真實》。人不光由階級畫分,更由我們對待地心引力的態度分成兩個世界。 達文西說一生最遺憾之事是不會飛。Kusturica的電影常有人飛起的鏡頭;他說,判斷一部電影好壞,要看它裏頭人物是否受地心引力影響,所以他乾脆讓人飛起來。維根斯坦也說:「我的哲學價值,必須從它和地面距離來評定。」趣味很重要;新聞報導或呈堂證供只是一堆乾燥事實,因此無趣,除非脫離地心引力,變成神話。 荷索說:「創造神話吧,否則人類文明將如恐龍般絕跡。」面對無趣世界,Kusturica 也說,人應給自己打造一個「純粹精神世界」。簡單說就是做夢;春夢也好,噩夢也罷,夢才是我們的原鄉和歸宿。現實使人迷失沉睡,夢反倒使靈魂甦醒。 楊世主 | 2004.12.12 19:02 | #
我較喜歡以前的畫面,明亮簡單,字不會"抖",新版的左右兩邊灰色色塊有點壓迫感,但不知是否是為小螢幕使用者著想?不過主頁右側有圖的專欄蠻不錯的設計,讓人一進入即可直接點選想了解的議題,有工具書資料庫的效果。 Naga | 2004.12.12 17:52 | #
個人感想:新版很漂亮,不過字有點小,看起來好像每個字都在發抖,又,其實我比較喜歡以前那樣一進來就看見那個計數器的感覺,像早上來這兒看見人數又變多了,一整天的士氣就會為之一振,現在要特地捲到畫面下方才會出現,有點可惜。 魏福全 | 2004.12.12 14:11 | #
網站的名稱和網站的特色不太突顯 乍看之下 和原有的網站設計的味道大不同. 也恭喜選舉順利結束 每一次選舉的順利結束 不論結果如何 都是好事 至於誰上誰下 誰喜誰不喜 當然要隨喜了 寒夜裏的一點寧靜 | 2004.12.12 13:27 | #
謝謝靜慧留言. "網工" (學姐)對新版不甚滿意,我也覺得好像有點不習慣,每人美感不同吧, 我喜歡單調單色單薄單純,越簡單越深沉,越醜越美,字體能稍大一些最好,歐吉桑看網頁太吃力,得拿放大鏡. 我懷疑是不是我和學姐的美感過於特殊,想知道別人怎麼看. 陳真 --^。---@@~~~--^。---@@~~~--^。---@@~~~--^。---@@~~~--^。---@@~~~--^。---@@~~~--^。---@@~~~--^。---@@~~~ p.s.: 恭喜恭喜,王八蛋打贏了龜兒子!! ============= 泛藍過半後 泛紫:宜走中間偏左路線 陳世財/台北報導 本屆立委選舉,泛藍過半。泛紫聯盟呼籲,未來,藍軍應該向「中間偏左」修正,多關心社會福利層面;否則,遲早也會像泛綠,被選民放棄。 儘管泛藍立委席次過半,泛紫聯盟並不認為,台灣可因此邁入太平年。「除非台灣催生第二波民主昇華運動,兩岸和平及族群和諧方面,都得有積極作為,不能流於口號,才能建構社會安全網」簡錫◆不諱言,這個關鍵性的角色,需要泛藍來扮演,因為「包括陳水扁總統、游錫◆院長和高雄市長謝長廷等人,執政久了,就忘了當年中間偏左的起家理念,漸漸向右邊的財團靠攏,將社會福利妖魔化,放話這會拖垮國家財政。要執政黨修正立場,很難;在野黨才是希望」。 「泛藍過半,將來應該扮演更強而有力的在野黨,多創造議題,如同當年民進黨在野時,多關心社會貧富不均的問題,多聽聽中產階級和青年人的聲音。台灣社會,不敢結婚的問題大,失業率高,有高達80%到90%的年輕人不滿意自己的薪水,嫌太低。這些問題,才是中間選民最想關心的」簡錫◆說。 泛紫聯盟知道,第二波民主昇華運動邁入正軌之前,需要一段啟蒙期,「我們泛紫願意扮演催生者的角色……」簡錫◆建議,落選的沈富雄和施明德,不要灰心,一起加入泛紫行列,重新規畫政治理想,整合中間的政治力量,安定台灣。 黃靜慧 | 2004.12.12 12:03 | #
新網站比舊網站方便閱讀。 越來越豐富。 低收入戶 | 2004.12.12 11:54 | #
軍購宜速? 黃靜慧 林正義:兩岸緩解 軍購宜速 立委選舉昨天揭曉,泛藍取得過半席次,學者認為北京當局應會樂於看到該結果,但對未來兩岸關係不致有太大影響,至於台美關係,新國會應站在台灣安全和防衛上合理需求考量,儘速通過國防特別預算,否則對台恐將處於不利地位。 政治大學國關中心研究員林正義觀察此次選舉結果,以泛藍所提出對大陸政策和兩岸關係主張看來,泛藍總席次超過泛綠,應是北京當局希望也高興看到的結果,從三二○總統大選後引發對岸的焦慮感,也會因此降低。 泛藍過半在兩岸關係的意涵上,呈現的是對春節包機直航以及兩岸某種程度三通等技術性議題,將透過新國會給予更大壓力,讓執政黨在處理上更為謹慎,但對兩岸未來不會有太大影響。 他分析,因為在兩岸政策上主要仍由總統和行政部門所主導,現今仍看不出海基會和海協會坐下來會商的可能性,泛藍過半席次雖然會降低北京當局焦慮感,認為台灣民間對泛綠仍有股牽制力量,加上美國對台灣正名運動的不支持,都讓其更為安心,但短期內仍不可能突破兩岸既有僵局。 林正義指出,兩岸關係的發展和台灣內政雖然息息相關,但尚牽涉很多因素,可改變的部分不是很大,大選結果只是符合北京當局的期待,對岸應趁此時提出更為緩和和有創意的對台政策。 至於台美未來關係發展,林正義認為,立法委員選舉後,台灣的行政部門和國會仍各屬不同政黨,對政府施政會有較大牽制力量,也會衝擊公共政策的制定,尤其是攸關台美的國防特別預算上。 對美國來說,林正義提出,美方目前對台灣政府不論推動修憲或正名運動,基本上的論調,就是不希望台灣片面改變現狀,也因此會出現對正名運動干涉太過的現象。 就此來說,泛藍過去掌握當然優勢,立委選戰過後仍然握有優勢,對執政黨的牽制力量更大,修憲或正名運動都會遭遇更大的阻礙和困難,相對美方的態度則是部分支持修憲,但對正名則有干涉太過現象。 總體來說,林正義說,北京當局樂於看到此次選舉結果,但對兩岸未來關係卻不見得會有重大影響,至於台美方面,雖然美國一貫立場是不希望看到台灣片面改變現狀,但現階段新國會應儘速通過國防特別預算,以強化台海安全,同時也符合美方期待。 網工 | 2004.12.11 05:26 | #
請各位老朋友告訴我們你對新網站的看法! 董事長 | 2004.12.11 02:44 | #
UNICEF 發表了2005 年世界兒童人權報告,很長,資料多,貼不完,請看這裏: http://www.unicef.org/sowc05/english/ 底下是一些相關報導。 像這些資料,以 UNICEF 的能力,翻譯成中文絕不是問題。當這些資料無法被使用中文及其他語文的人口廣泛閱讀時,影響力就大打折扣。中文世界十幾二十億人,對這些問題卻幾乎隔絕,一無所知。也許這也是為什麼諸如反戰運動或人權觀念難以普及到中文世界的原因。 UNICEF 指出兒童的三大殺手:戰亂、貧窮和愛滋病。但我覺得還有一項就是大人對兒童的「漠不關心」。因為許多問題並不是財力或客觀條件上無法克服,而是政治腐敗,根本不想做。 比方說UNICEF也提到,巴基斯坦百分之六十的兒童死亡可以避免,因為他們是死於像腹瀉或肺炎以及一些新生兒時期的感染。要顯著改善這些問題,只是要做或不做的問題,而不是能力上做不到;少買一顆飛彈,錢就夠了。台灣不就是這樣嗎? 而所謂貧窮,與其說是貧窮,不如說是貧富差距太大、太不合理。在國外免不了會看到一些來自印尼、印、巴或中國大陸的人,看他們有錢到那樣一副德性,常覺得挺不可思議。他們國家的人民,許多人只因為幾十塊錢就無法上小學,而這些公子哥兒或千金小姐卻是要什麼有什麼,整天購物購個不停,根本不需要或不是那麼需要的東西,不必多考慮就能買下來,簡直是「為了購物而購物」。難道他們家裏在印鈔票?或是爹娘都是什麼酋長或高幹或董事長?要不然怎麼會生存境遇差這麼多? 董事長文化氣質高,生活不算太奢靡,唯一缺點是喜歡買書,但也總得考慮半天,而且以二手居多或是用朋友的影印機偷印。若不是很必要的書或超喜歡的 CD,能不買就不買。但某些新一代人類之生活享受,卻似乎不是這樣,似乎只要想買就買,沒有用的也買,一點都不猶豫。 人類社會真是很不公平。甘地說,「如果平等和自由只能二選一,我會選擇平等。」因為沒有平等,哪來自由?你買得起,我買不起,那我就根本沒有買東西的這種「自由」。自由必須以平等做基礎;而所謂左右之分,分野也在此。許多人歌頌自由卻不在乎平等,那只是自欺欺人。哪有這種自由?! 陳真 2004. 12. 10. 世界人權日 UNICEF releases The State of the World's Children 2005 December 9, 2004 --More than half of all children in the world are suffering extreme deprivations from poverty, armed conflict and AIDS, according to UNICEF's The State of the World's Children report, an annual barometer measuring the situation facing children around the world. "For every child enjoying what we consider to be a normal childhood, there is a child going to bed hungry, watching a parent die from AIDS, or living in a refugee camp after being forced to flee from home by war and violence," says David Agnew, president and CEO, UNICEF Canada. "Despite some progress over the last decade, we are continuing to deny one billion girls and boys the opportunity to grow up healthy and safe." Childhood is an irreplaceable period of time for children to grow and develop, and the quality of those years is essential to ensuring their health and safety. Failure to protect children's well being causes permanent damage - to children, their families, their communities and ultimately society's ability to secure human rights and promote economic advancement. This year's The State of the World's Children report, themed Childhood Under Threat, argues that children experience poverty differently from adults and its impact cannot be measured by traditional income or consumption assessments. The essentials being denied to one billion children, with 700 million children lacking two or more of them, include adequate shelter, sanitation, safe water, information, health-care services, education and adequate food. Since the 1989 adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – the world's most widely adopted human rights treaty – there have been significant advances through providing food, water, health care, education and other essentials to child survival. There has also been growing worldwide awareness of the need to put formal measures in place to protect children from exploitation, abuse and violence. However, many of the gains achieved are in serious danger of being undermined by the three most devastating threats to children today: poverty, HIV/AIDS, and armed conflict. In 2003 alone, 10.6 million children died before they reached their fifth birthday – equivalent to one and a half times the entire population of children in Canada. The majority of these deaths could have been prevented with adequate food, clean water, immunization and basic medical care. When conflict strikes, the effect is even more catastrophic, as 13 per cent more children under five years of age die in a typical five-year war. Children account for nearly half of the 3.6 million people killed in conflicts since 1990. In addition to the devastation on children's physical health, hundreds of thousands of children suffer the trauma of being recruited or abducted as child soldiers, injured by landmines, raped as a weapon of war and witnessing violence to their families that often leaves them orphaned. Now the single largest killer of people aged 15-49 worldwide, AIDS is also waging war on children. Its devastation is most clear among the 15 million children who have been orphaned by this disease. The death of a parent pervades every aspect of a child's life, from emotional well being to physical security, mental development and overall health. But the report also finds that the effects of HIV/AIDS begin harming children long before they become orphaned. Because of the parent's inability to work, many children, especially girls, are forced to drop out of school to work or care for their families, and are in particular danger of being exploited through hazardous labour. HIV/AIDS is not only killing parents, but many of the other protective adults in children's lives, including teachers and health workers. Because of the time lag between HIV infection and death from AIDS, the crisis will worsen for at least the next decade, even if new infections are stabilized or begin to fall. The State of the World's Children report details the actions the international community must take to prevent the spread of AIDS, keep adults living with HIV alive, and provide support and care for children who become orphaned. Currently, 93 per cent of people in developing countries who need antiretroviral therapy to treat HIV simply do not have access to the kind of drugs that are readily available in Canada – a problem that must be addressed to save millions of lives, and prevent mother-to-child transmission of the disease. "The State of the World's Children report forces us, as Canadians and as part of the international community, to face head-on the harsh realities children are living," says Agnew. "But the good news is that it is possible to change this reality, no matter how daunting it may seem. In Canada, we have the capacity to make an enormous impact by ensuring our policies and actions always keep children at the centre. The Canadian government has made significant contributions to development and humanitarian initiatives, but we must do more. We can, and must, take on a larger leadership role as a nation, as individuals and businesses, to alleviate the suffering that half the world's children are experiencing." View State of the World's Children 2005 UNICEF is the world's leader for children, working in 158 countries and territories to save, protect and enhance the lives of children and their families. The world's largest provider of vaccines for developing nations, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, promotes quality basic education for all boys and girls, and protects children from violence, exploitation and AIDS. With almost 60 years of experience, UNICEF is funded entirely by voluntary contributions from individuals, businesses foundations and governments. Through fundraising and education, UNICEF Canada is dedicated to improving the lives of children around the world. David Agnew has travelled extensively to developing nations and met many children behind the statistics, including children orphaned by AIDS in Zimbabwe, children who have fled to camps in Sudan and children struggling to survive in Cambodia. B-roll is available digitally at www.thenewsmarket.com (keyword UNICEF) or on beta by request. To arrange an interview or for more information, please contact: Nicole Ireland, National Communications UNICEF Canada Telephone: (416) 482-4444, ext. 831 Cellular: (416) 992-7349 ========== The State of the World’s Children 2005: The State of the World’s Children 2005 focuses on how poverty, conflict and HIV/AIDS threaten the idea of childhood as a period of time for children to grow and develop to their full potential. UNICEF/HQ91-0914/Roger LeMoyne Childhood is a special time in each individual’s life – a time when they should be encouraged to learn and play by their family and an extended community of caring adults – and an essential element in the development of healthy and productive future generations. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989, offers a new definition of childhood based on human rights. It heralded significant advances in the fulfilment of children’s rights to survival, health and education through the provision of essential goods and services, and a growing recognition of the need to create a protective environment to shield children from exploitation, abuse and violence. However, in several regions and countries, some of these gains are in danger of reversal as a result of poverty, conflict and HIV/AIDS. The rights of over 1 billion children are violated because they are denied of one or more of the basic services required to survive, grow and develop. Millions of children are growing up in families and communities torn apart by armed conflict. In sub-Saharan Africa, HIV/AIDS has led to increasing child mortality rates, dramatic reductions in life expectancy and millions of orphans. These are not the only factors that undermine childhood, but they are certainly among the most significant, with profoundly damaging effects on a child’s chances of survival and development. The harm they cause lingers well beyond the years of childhood, increasing the likelihood that the next generation will be affected by the same threats and endangering the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. “Only as we move closer to realizing the rights of all children will countries move closer to their goals of development and peace.” ---Kofi A. Annan ================ UN warns of triple child scourges BBC News, Islamabad Children are the first to suffer from the scourge of Aids, war and poverty, the head of Unicef has said. Carol Bellamy said progress had been made on their welfare and human rights but there was still more to be done. She was speaking in Pakistan three days ahead of the publication in London of a major report by the UN agency, entitled "Childhood under Threat". She cited Pakistan and Iraq as examples where children's health and education was suffering. 'Total mess' Ms Bellamy said education in Iraq was a good example, where the country's schools were in her words 'a total mess' - much of it the result of the recent war. And the UN's children's fund head said countries like Pakistan could do more to address children's health and education interests. The country has a bloated expenditure on the military and small spending on education so that it lags even behind impoverished neighbours like Bangladesh in many spheres. Ms Bellamy said 60% of child deaths in Pakistan could be avoided by focusing on a limited number of treatable diseases like diarrhoea, pneumonia and neonatal infections. In the last budget, Pakistan increased spending in the social development sector. Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz has repeatedly promised to work towards alleviating poverty, but millions of people have yet to feel the results. Ms Bellamy said Aids and conflict were having an enormous impact on the lives of children and preventing the world from meeting its development goals. Although advances had been made in children's welfare and human rights, she said more challenges lay ahead. 這世界不適合兒童居住 | 2004.12.11 01:47 | #
這是英文版. 陳真 ============ Daily HIV/Aids Report Kaisernetwork.org (Washington, DC) December 9, 2004 Posted to the web December 9, 2004 Global Challenges Libya Will Not Execute Six Health Workers Accused of Intentionally Infecting Children With HIV, Kadafi's Son Says The son of Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi on Wednesday said that the government will not execute five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor who have been convicted of intentionally infecting hundreds of children in the country with HIV, the New York Times reports (Smith, New York Times, 12/9). A five-judge panel of a Libyan court in May sentenced to death by firing squad the health workers, who have been detained in Libya since 1999 and have been accused of deliberately infecting more than 400 children with HIV through contaminated blood products. The health workers also were ordered to pay a total of $1 million to the families of the children, 43 of whom have died. Kadafi accused the health workers of taking orders from the CIA and the Israeli secret service to kill Libyan children in order to destabilize the country. However, some European governments and human rights groups say that the Libyan Health Ministry failed to screen blood products adequately and allowed poor sterilization practices at Al Fateh Children's Hospital in Benghazi, where the health care workers were employed and where the children were infected. Two of the workers and the Palestinian doctor have said that they had been tortured into making confessions. During their trial, Dr. Luc Montagnier, co-discoverer of HIV, testified that he believed the children were infected in 1997, more than a year before the Bulgarians were hired (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 12/7). Seif al-Islam el-Kadafi, Moammar's son, on Wednesday said, "No one is going to execute anyone." He added that the Libyan government is expected over the next two months to pass a new law limiting the use of capital punishment to "a small number of crimes," according to the Times. Although Kadafi's son holds "no official position" in the government, he heads an organization that is helping to negotiate a resolution in the case and is "believed to speak with the backing of his father," the Times reports. Possible Extradition Kadafi said Libya might seek to extradite the Bulgarian nurses to Bulgaria but did not say what might be done with the Palestinian doctor. Kadafi also suggested that in exchange for the extradition of the workers, the country might ask for the extradition of a Libyan man serving a life sentence in Scotland for the 1988 crash of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, according to the Times. In addition, Libyan officials have said that a re-examination of the health care workers' death sentences would depend on Bulgaria paying compensation to the families of the HIV-positive children. However, Bulgaria has refused to pay any compensation, saying that doing so would acknowledge guilt on the part of the health workers, the Times reports. "I think we have to extradite them at a certain stage because we have an extradition treaty with Bulgaria," Kadafi said, adding, "But first we have to satisfy the families, compensation and a medical solution long term for their children" (New York Times, 12/9). Ramadan al-Fituri, director of the association representing the HIV-positive children, on Wednesday said that Libya would drop the case against the health workers if Bulgaria pays about $13.3 million for every child infected with HIV, AFP/Mail and Guardian reports. Fituri on Tuesday said that the charges against the six health workers would be dropped if the children receive treatment at medical centers in Europe and all "necessary medicines," a new specialized hospital in Benghazi is built in Libya and "adequate compensation" is paid to the children's families, according to AFP/Mail and Guardian (AFP/Mail and Guardian, 12/9). More Than 1B Children Worldwide Face 'Brutal Existence' Because of HIV/AIDS, Poverty, Conflict, UNICEF Report Says [Dec 09, 2004] More than one billion children worldwide face a "brutal existence" because of HIV/AIDS, poverty and armed conflict, according to a UNICEF report released Thursday, BBC News reports (BBC News, 12/9). The annual report, titled "Childhood Under Threat," examines the impact of HIV/AIDS, poverty and war -- three of the most "widespread and devastating factors threatening childhood today" -- on children around the world, according to a UNICEF release. Working in collaboration with researchers from the London School of Economics and Bristol University, UNICEF found that more than one billion children are "denied the healthy and protected upbringing" guaranteed by the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, according to UNICEF Executive Director Carol Bellamy (UNICEF release, 12/9). HIV/AIDS According to Peter McDermott, head of UNICEF's HIV/AIDS program, the pandemic's impact on children is "huge and getting worse. In fact, the worst is yet to come" (AFP/Yahoo! News, 12/8). Almost 500,000 children under 15 years old died of AIDS-related causes in 2003, and an additional 630,000 children were infected with HIV during 2003, according to UNICEF estimates. Approximately 2.1 million children under age 15 were living with HIV/AIDS in 2003, most of whom contracted the virus in utero, during birth or through breastfeeding, according to the report. The number of children worldwide who have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS increased from 11.5 million to 15 million between 2001 and 2003, and 80% of those children live in sub-Saharan Africa (AP/Yahoo! News, 12/9). The report also estimates that by 2010, more than 18 million African children will have lost one or both parents to AIDS-related causes unless "swift action [is] taken," Reuters reports (Lovell, Reuters, 12/9). AFP/Yahoo! News reports that millions of children also were "transformed into care providers for sick parents and siblings" between 2001 and 2003 (AFP/Yahoo! News, 12/8). "AIDS is the new factor in the last decade or so on the block, and it is having a vicious effect in some countries," David Agnew, president of UNICEF Canada, said, adding, "There is absolutely no question that in some countries, we are going backwards, and those are countries that are affected by intense and enduring conflict -- or the majority of them are the ones that have the highest HIV infection rates and AIDS death rates" (Oziewicz, Globe and Mail, 12/9). Other Findings The report also found that approximately 640 million children worldwide lack adequate shelter; 400 million children do not have access to safe water; 270 million children do not have access to health care; and 140 million children, most of whom are girls, have never attended school (AFP/Yahoo! News, 12/8). The mortality rate for children under five in sub-Saharan Africa in 2003 was 175 deaths per 1,000 children, compared with a world average of 80 deaths per 1,000 children. The report also determined that maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa in 2003 was 940 deaths per 100,000 live births, compared with a global average of 400 deaths per 100,000 live births (Reuters, 12/9). Of the 27 countries with the highest child mortality rates, 26 are located in Africa -- only Afghanistan was outside of the region. According to the report, Sierra Leone is the "most deadly place for a child," with a mortality rate for children under age five at nearly 30%, according to the Boston Globe (Donnelly, Boston Globe, 12/9). Almost half of the 3.6 million people killed in armed conflict worldwide since 1990 have been children, according to UNICEF. "Too many governments are making informed, deliberate choices that actually hurt childhood," Bellamy said, adding, "When half the world's children are growing up hungry and unhealthy, when schools have become targets and whole villages are being emptied by AIDS, we've failed to deliver on the promise of childhood" (BBC News, 12/9). Reaction Although Bellamy said that the "blame mostly rest[s]" with countries that failed to adequately address the HIV/AIDS pandemic and poverty or prevent armed conflict, some of her "critics" said the report was "full of evidence that she had failed to emphasize childhood survival," according to the Globe (Boston Globe, 12/9). In a comment published in the Dec. 3 issue of the journal Lancet, editor Richard Horton wrote that it is "widely, if regrettably, accepted that UNICEF has lost its way during Carol Bellamy's long term of office" (Horton, Lancet, 12/3). "The right to survival is the most critical right for a child," Dr. Robert Black, chair of international health at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, said, asking, "If we can't put our focus on that, how meaningful is the rest of the discussion on child rights?" However, Bellamy, who will step down as UNICEF executive director next year, has "defended her priorities over the past decade" and said she was "proud we have embraced a child's rights approach, advocating that children not be seen as charitable instruments, if you will, but human beings that have rights," the Globe reports. She added that "child rights has not been a diversion from survival. The rights of a child are not only to survive but to thrive, not to become a victim of HIV/AIDS, not to be exploited, not to be abused. The world doesn't stop at simple survival." Mark Rosenberg, executive director of the Task Force for Child Survival and Development who supports Bellamy's view, said that her successor should "develop closer relationships" with other U.N. agencies, especially the World Health Organization, as well as the U.S. government and organizations, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, according to the Globe (Boston Globe, 12/9). Child Marriage Puts Girls Worldwide at Risk of HIV/AIDS, Early Pregnancy; Ill. Sen. Durbin Drafts Legislation [Dec 09, 2004] Child marriage -- which affects about 51 million girls in developing countries worldwide -- puts women at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS or developing health complications from becoming pregnant at an early age, the Chicago Tribune reports. Girls who are married at a young age and become pregnant before their bodies are prepared to endure pregnancy and delivery may experience obstetric fistula. The condition, caused by ruptured tissue in the birth canal, can lead to continuous and uncontrollable leakage of feces and urine. Girls who develop obstetric fistula often are shunned by their families and communities because of the stigma attached to the condition, according to Geeta Rao Gupta, president of the International Center for Research on Women. About 100,000 new cases of obstetric fistula occur annually among girls, and about two million women worldwide are affected, according to the Tribune. Child marriage also can put young women at risk of contracting HIV. Girls often are married to older men, and the "unequal balance of power" makes young women "less able to negotiate the use of condoms" to protect against infection, according to the Tribune. Economic Impact Child marriage -- which is "common" in India, South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa -- has "negative and lasting" consequences for women's health, education and overall economic development, Rao Gupta said, the Tribune reports. The practice "perpetuates poverty" because girls stop going to school when they get married and subsequently miss out on "economic opportunities," Rao Gupta said, according to the Tribune. Studies show that the children of educated women are more likely to be educated and are healthier than the children of less-educated women, according to Rao Gupta. Early marriage and pregnancy also can limit young women from participating in society, according to Rao Gupta. "She is not able to feed her children, not able to engage in her community," Rao Gupta said, adding, "What we are trying to do is encourage economic growth and equity in society, and both those things are negatively affected by child marriage." Relevant Links After learning of the "long-term ramifications" of child marriage, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) drafted legislation aimed at "curbing the practice in the developing world," the Tribune reports. Durbin currently is seeking a Republican co-sponsor for the bill, which he plans to introduce in January, according to Joe Shoemaker, Durbin's press secretary. One of the bill's provisions directs the secretary of state to develop a "comprehensive" three-year plan to prioritize in foreign aid programs that focus on adolescent health, delaying marriage among adolescents and first pregnancies among married adolescents, according to the Tribune. Durbin said, "If we are to promote the economic and social development of all the world's children, we must work to give girls a chance to grow up before they marry." He added, "I believe that you can tell the most about the potential future of a country by asking one simple question: How do they treat their women and girls? If they hold them back, that country is likely to struggle. If they fully include them and treat them as equals, that country is likely to advance much more rapidly" (Lauerman, Chicago Tribune, 12/8).
共有360萬人喪生 | 2004.12.11 01:37 | #
http://tw.news.yahoo.com/041210/19/18sop.html 中時電子報 2004 / 12 / 10 (星期五) 全球10億兒童 沒有童年 該報告指出,儘管各國於1989年簽署了「聯合國兒童權利公約」,但很多國家仍然沒有完全履行其義務。兒基會稱,兒童貧困問題與其說是收入問題,不如說它是一個基本人權的問題。 據報導,超過10億的兒童無法獲得某些生活必需品,其中包括住所、食品、飲用水、衛生設施、學校、信息服務和醫療服務。 這份報告還詳細闡述了戰爭給孩子們帶來的傷痛。 據兒童基金會估計,在1990年以來爆發的戰爭中共有360萬人喪生,其中有近一半是兒童。數百萬的兒童因為戰亂流離失所,有些還被強迫去當兵。 聯合國兒基會敦促各國政府採取以保護人權為原則的措施,以推進社會和經濟發展。此外,各國在制定政策時必須要考慮到可能對兒童造成的影響。 黨國元老 | 2004.12.10 13:34 | #
笨蛋常喜歡說選人不選黨或什麼選賢與能,這是錯的。在一個黑幫裏,好人壞人無甚差別;好人的白天往往比壞人的夜更黑。而且,要在政治人物中選出好人,大概比中樂透頭獎還難。 董事長雖然 “曾” 是某黨黨國元老,但自建黨後幾年,也就是大約 1989-1990 年以後,除了曾被陳定南給騙過一次、還幫忙寫過幾篇「膾炙人口」的文宣之外,就不曾再投給這個黨或為這個黨做任何支持。 投票原則有五:一,選黨不選人。二,投給那個肯定會落選的,算是做善事,給他一些安慰。三,盡量支持獨行俠(比如蘇盈貴),避免結構性分贓。四,投廢票。五,選一個最齷齪、最危險的黨或人,讓這個社會能儘早置之死地而後重生。 台灣其實只有一個黨,就是撈錢黨。台灣的黨,只做一件事,就是撈錢。只有蠢到極點的政治白癡才會以為黨除了撈錢之外還幹點別的。既然如此,為什麼還要選黨不選人?那是因為他們撈錢的方式不一樣,有些是良性的養雞取卵,有些則是連雞都殺了。就跟長瘤一樣,雖然都是瘤,但有的良性有的惡性,惡性瘤會帶來毀滅。 別說我cynical,我對人事物一點都不 cynical。熱烈去支持政治人物的人,真的很傻。如果對政治有興趣,應該投入其中,近距離觀察,看清楚一切,而不是在外頭瞎起鬨,搖旗吶喊,那真的很沒智商。政治腐敗的原因就在於太多不用心不用腦的笨蛋,他們被愚弄卻不自知,甚至為之感動。支持泛綠泛藍都一樣,全是飯桶。投票支持可以,但別把心也交出來。 陳真 2004. 12. 10. 魏福全 | 2004.12.10 01:25 | #
無知的人有福了 用射飛鏢的最準了 不管怎麼射 都會正好沒射中其他五個不該選的人 All Pages | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136
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