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作者: 陳真
日期: 2005.5.2.

還記得底下這位安醫師(Dr Ang Swee Chai)吧?一位女醫生,小小身材卻大無畏。記得我們有文章介紹過她以及她寫的一本書叫《從貝魯特到耶路撒冷》,請自行在巴勒網內搜尋舊檔案。



她於 1982 年以色列在貝魯特大開殺戒時,辭去倫敦的醫生工作,隻身前往戰亂地區醫院救治病人(她是骨科醫師);並於 1984年創辦著名的MAP(Medical Aid for Palestinians)(「醫療援助巴勒斯坦」)。MAP(持續至今,一直在西岸和迦薩走廊及黎巴嫩為難民工作。從事醫療救援,也從事長期的巴勒斯坦醫療人員培訓和在職教育,並提供因戰亂而身心受創或失去家園的婦女小孩及肢體受損者各種生活協助和心理支持。



Cambridge University Palestine Society presents: A talk by Dr Ang Swee Chai, founder of Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)

Thursday 5 May, 7.30pm, Keynes Hall @ King’s College, entrance £2

Dr Ang Swee Chai is a Malaysian orthopaedic surgeon based in Britain, and
founder of prominent NGO ‘Medical Aid for Palestinians’.

Dr Ang Swee Chai grew up supporting Israel. Arabs, she was told, were terrorists. But in 1982 the British media broadcast the relentless bombing of Beirut by Israeli planes. Shocked, her view of Israel began to change. It was then that she heard of an international appeal for an orthopaedic surgeon to treat war victims in Beirut. The petite woman resigned her job in London, bade her husband farewell and set out on a
journey to civil war Beirut…


About MAP…

“Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) is a British charity dedicated to the health and humanitarian needs of the Palestinian people. MAP was established in 1984 in the aftermath of the Sabra and Shatila massacres in Lebanon and today it operates in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (the West Bank and Gaza Strip) and Lebanon delivering basic health and medical care to Palestinian refugees.

MAP also works to empower the Palestinian people and provide longer-term support through, for example, training local medical staff, teaching vocational skills and addressing the needs of particularly vulnerable groups such as disabled people. It is a non-political and non-partisan organisation supported by the British public, British Government, European Union and many international organisations.”

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