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「他(歌德)是個徹底的孤獨者,無一真正同類足以取得安慰—但是,在『一』和『零』之間,就如同『有』『無』之間,永遠存在著一種親近性。當一個人有了同類為友,他將無法體會什麼叫孤獨,即便四周整個世界與之為敵。啊,我知道你們並不是真的明白孤獨。只要有主流社會、強勢政府或宗教以及所謂輿論的地方,簡單說,只要有暴政的地方,就會有個孤獨的哲學家被人所憎惡,因為哲學給人類提供了一個避風港,在那裏頭,暴政無用武之地;那是心靈的內在洞穴,心靈的迷宮,正是這東西激怒了暴君。」(~尼采《不合時宜的沉思》,頁 139。)

He (Goethe)was a total solitary; he had not a single companion truly of his own kind to console him—and between one and none there lies, as always between something and nothing, an infinity. No one who possesses true friends knows what true solitude is, even though he have the whole world around him for his enemies.—Ah, I well understand that you do not know what true solitude is. Where there have been powerful societies, governments, religions, public opinions, in short where there has been tyranny, there the solitary philosopher has been hated; for philosophy offers an asylum to a man into which no tyranny can force its way, the inward cave, the labyrinth of the heart: and that annoys the tyrants. ~F. Nietzsche《Untimely meditations》, p. 139。

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