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陳真 2003. 8. 19.原載:哈巴狗電台

底下是 WSPA(世界保護動物協會)的報導,譴責「神豬」的飼養和競賽行為。報導中說,這隻用以「彰顯台灣總統陳水扁」(in honor of Taiwan’s President, Mr Chen Shui-Bian)的神豬,外號就叫做「總統豬」。牠八月初的體重是正常豬隻體重的六倍—大約七百公斤。有些「神豬」,甚至比正常體重高出十倍。




















Protests over “pigs of god” contest

WSPA August 8th, 2003

Taiwan Animal groups are protesting over plans to sacrifice a force-fed pig weighing over 1500 pounds in honor of Taiwan’s President, Mr Chen Shui-Bian. The pig will be one of several hundred that will be killed in a ritual sacrifice on Sunday, August 17th in Hsin Chu, as part of an annual ceremony where pigs are force-fed to increase weight in what is known as a ‘pigs of god’ contest. The heaviest pig wins, but all share the fate of being hog tied and having their throats slit in front of the thousands of people expected to attend the celebrations.

WSPA and its Taiwanese member society Environment & Animals Society of Taiwan (EAST) are leading calls for Taiwan’s President to step in and stop this form of cruelty from taking place. Under the country’s existing animal protection laws, force-feeding and the inhumane and public killing of animals are illegal.

Philip Lymbery, WSPA’s Director of Communications, said, “For an animal to have been deliberately made so obese is incredibly cruel physically and psychologically. We are sure that Taiwan would not wish to see its image as a modern and progressive country tainted by what is a grotesque freak show that ends in the public killing of animals.”

The animal, nicknamed ‘pig of president’ by locals, is six times heavier than normal and unable to support its own body weight. Having been castrated without anaesthetic at a young age, due to a belief that this can help make it fat, the pig has suffered from being force-fed food on a regular basis and now cannot move without being dragged or carried. This highly social animal is kept in isolation in barren conditions, often in a pen where it cannot turn around or even stand. The pig’s sheer body weight places an almost unbearable strain on the animal’s skeleton and cardiovascular system. In the days leading up to the contest, pigs are often force-fed sand or heavy metals such as lead to add as much weight as possible.

The plight of the ‘pig of president’ is symbolic of wider suffering of animals in Taiwan, with thousands of pigs, goats and chickens inhumanely killed every year. In addition, about 14 million pigs are reared on factory farms each year in Taiwan. Pigs and other farm animals on factory farms endure conditions that fail to meet even their basic needs, as traditional and sustainable forms of farming are threatened by the rise of Western-style industrialized farming.

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