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今天,一個監控巴勒斯坦狀況的團體(Palestine Monitor),又發出新聞,說Deir Ghassaneh這個村落這兩天受到以色列軍隊包圍攻擊,死了很多人,有些是活活被燒死的,也有許多人被逮捕。以色列佔領軍攔截了一輛救護車,以槍口威脅醫生,要他以救護車做為掩護,當成軍車開去逮捕村民。幾位醫生因為不肯繼續配合,被威脅一槍打死。所有救護人員的識別證也全被沒收;沒有了證明,他們也無法繼續工作。後來,為了報復這些醫療人員的不合作,以色列軍隊還到家中逮捕了一位醫生,並且到Deir Ghassaneh這個村落的診所大行破壞,炸門,搗牆,破壞種種設施。

這已經是最近第二次攻擊醫療人員了。五月初,以色列也攻擊了Ramallah和 Nablus兩個地區的兩間診所,破壞了他們的電腦、家具,還偷偷搬走了許多器材。他們也從家中逮捕了六位醫療人員。這些都是違反日內瓦協定對醫護人員的保護。

「Palestine Monitor」請大家寫信給夏隆、以色列國防部和聯合國人權委員會提出抗議(他們的 e-mail地址或郵件地址請見附件末)。寫英文信真有點頭痛。哈巴狗電台僅提供如下簡單範例,有通就好,請大家盡量照抄或稍加以變化後寄出,不要讓以色列軍隊以為國際上沒有人知道他們在做什麼。


Dear XX(對方名字),

I learned from Palestine Monitor ( that following attacks in Nablus, Ramallah, Gaza and Jenin, the Israel army again attacked a Medical Relief Ambulance yesterday. The army also destroyed the Palestine Medical Relief Clinic in Deir Ghassaneh, and arrested Palestine Medical Relief Doctor, Dr Nadim Barghouthi and Mr Yunis Dahoud, Deputy Mayor of the village. I wish to protest against this intentional interruption of humanitarian services and serious violation of international law. I also urge for the immediate release of Dr Nadim Barghouthi and Mr Yunis Dahoud and hope that the Israel army could stop all attacks on Palestine Medical Relief staff and services in the future.

Yours sincerely,



Saturday 14th June, 2003

Following on from yesterdays attack on the village of Deir Ghassaneh, where the Israeli occupying army surrounded and entered the village, declared a curfew, buried alive villagers, and shot and arrested other villagers, we now have an update to the attacks.

The Israeli occupying army stopped a Palestine Medical Relief Ambulance at gunpoint. The soldiers got into the ambulance and forced the team at gunpoint, to drive around the village. The soldiers used the cover of the ambulance to try and arrest people. After 20 minutes, the ambulance team refused to carry on and announced that they would rather be shot, than be forced to help the soldiers arrest the villagers. The soldiers threatened them by saying that if the ambulance team revealed that the soldiers were in the ambulance, then they would shoot them. The soldiers also confiscated the Identification Cards of the ambulance team. Since yesterday, the ambulance team have not been given their ID’s back, despite numerous appeals being made to the army by Israeli Physicians for Human Rights. Without their ID’s the team are unable to function.

As part of the punishment, the Israeli occupying army arrested Palestine Medical Relief Doctor, Dr Nadim Barghouthi and Mr Yunis Dahoud, Deputy Mayor of the village. Both were arrested whilst in their homes. As of yet, we have not been told where they are being detained.

The Israeli occupying army also blew open the door of the Palestine Medical Relief Clinic in Deir Ghassaneh. Besides exploding the door, they destroyed one of the walls, and created a lot of destruction in the clinic. Palestine Medical Relief calls on all humanitarian, human rights and health organizations to condemn these deplorable actions which violate the principals of medical neutrality.Please demand the release of Dr Nadim Barghouthi and Mr Yunis Dahoud, demand the return of the ID’s to the ambulance team, and compensate the Palestine Medical Relief Clinic for all the damage caused.

Palestine Medical Relief severely condemns these attacks, as they constitute a gross violation of International Law. This is a clear provocation by the Israeli occupying army who have already attacked Palestine Medical Relief Clinics in Nablus, Ramallah, Gaza and Jenin. We urge you to protest to the following:

Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister
Office of the Prime Minister
3 Kaplan Street, P O Box 187
Jerusalem 91919, Israel
Fax: +972 2 6705475

Elyakim Rubinstein
Attorney-General/Legal Advisor to the Government
Ministry of Justice
9 Salah al-Din Street
Jerusalem 91010, Israel
Fax: +972 2 6285438

Shaul Mofaz – Minister of Defense
Kaplan St.
Hakirya Tel-Aviv 61909
Tel: 972-3-5692010 Fax: 972-3-6916940

Mr Sergio de Mello – UN High Commissioner on Human Rights
8-14 Avenue de la Paris
1211 Geneva 10

For further information please contact + 972 59 254 218

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