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轉寄一個剛剛來自 ISM 的消息:

繼這幾周來針對個別成員的不斷騷擾和逮捕、毆打,以色列軍隊今天早上突襲ISM駐巴勒斯坦辦公室。二十幾輛軍車以及一台類似像鎮暴車那樣的東西(大量抓人用的),把ISM在Beit Sahour的媒體辦公室團團圍住。數十名軍警,闖入辦公室,沒收所有電腦和文件、CD和照片等。同時也突襲了在附近的 Palestinian Centre for Rapprochemen。

不但沒收資料性的檔案文件,也任意破壞其它設備,並且莫名其妙「逮捕」三名女性志工(說逮捕比較好聽,應該說綁架),其中包括一名Human Rights Watch的工作人員。其他人肉盾牌,以色列則似乎準備予以遞解出境。

以色列之所以這麼討厭ISM,主要是因為壞事如果偷偷做、沒人知道,可以做得順手一點,可是如果有一堆人不但對內阻撓各種暴力鎮壓,還整天用E-MAIL 對外實況轉播,是可忍孰不可?!



甘地有句話蠻有道理,他說:「First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,then you win.」似乎一切新生事物從初生到風起雲湧,都是遵循這樣的一個過程:人們一開始是不鳥你,當做沒看見,接著開始嘲弄你,說你哪根筋不對,說你這樣那樣粉好笑,如果這樣還沒有效,接著就會開始揍你打你殺你攻擊你,如果你熬過了這一關,那你就贏了。


Friday, May 9, 2003

For Immediate Release


[Beit Sahour, Occupied Palestine] Israeli forces raided the ISM office this morning,confiscating equipment and material and snatching three women.At 12:30pm on Friday,May 9,approximately 20 military vehicles, army jeeps and a large armored personnel carrier (intended for many arrests) surrounded the ISM media office in Beit Sahour.Dozens of soldiers, border police and civilian police officers raided the ISM office, confiscating all computers, not only in the ISM office but in the nearby office of the Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement.Files,CD,and photos were all pillaged,while soldiers broke equipment and damaged office space.Israeli forces kidnapped Palestinian volunteer, Fida, American volunteer,Flo, and a worker with Human Rights Watch visiting the office. At the time of this writing, Fida has been released, and the internationals seem to have been moved to the office of the Israeli Ministry of Interior, most probably for deportation.

The Israeli government has declared an open war on international peace and human rights workers. Israeli forces are doing everything in their power to specifically prevent the nonviolent resistance to their military rule. The stepped-up harassment of internationals and journalists in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is nothing short of a further attempt to shield from the international community the brutality of daily Israeli military actions against the Palestinian people.

The ISM, however, has no plans to leave the Palestinian areas nor to reduce our actions or our efforts.We need your help.Please protest:

In the US: Contact your congressperson,the State Department and the White House using this link. or

Also call the State Department and demand action. STATE DEPARTMENT 1-202-647-5150

For UK, Please call THE FOREIGN OFFICE 020 7008 1500, Also Contact your MP and Prime Minister

For Israel Contact Israeli Minister of Interior,

Tel:+972-2-629-4701; Fax:+972-2-629-4750

Israeli Foreign Minister, Silvan Shalom


Israeli Defense Minister, Shaul Mofaz

Fax:+972-3-6916940, 6976990;

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

fax: (+972-2)566-4838 or 651-3955 or 651-2631

For Canada: Minister of Foreign Affairs Bill Graham,House of Commons, Ottawa ON K1A 0A6;

Fax 613-996-3443

Everyone,Contact the Israeli embassy in your country See our website: for more ways to help or get involved.

For more information, please call:+972-2-277-4602

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