摘譯自Media Smears U.S. Airman's Cry: 'Free Palestine!'
1965年3月,一位名叫愛麗絲·赫茲(Alice Herz)的德國猶太婦女抗議美國使用橙劑殘害越南老百姓。她是著名的女權運動者瑪格麗特·赫茲(Margarete Herz)的嫂子。
在那裏她繼續她的行動主義,並於1965年給林登·詹森(Lyndon B. Johnson)總統寫了一封公開信,稱他正在利用軍事力量“毀滅他欽點的國家”。當時她已經82歲了。
2003年,柏林的一個廣場被命名為愛麗絲·赫茲廣場(Alice Herz Platz)。
1965 年 11 月 2 日,貴格會教徒諾曼·莫裡森 (Norman Morrison) 步行到位於國防部長羅伯特·麥克納馬拉 (Robert McNamara) 辦公室下方的五角大樓澆上煤油自焚。
被稱為越南革命之聲的詩人Tố Hữu(素友),因此創作“艾米麗,我的孩子”一詩,在詩裡,莫裡森將向他的女兒解釋他的行為。這家人後來訪問了越南,並與詩人相見。
莫裡森(Morrison)死後一周,天主教工人組織(Catholic Workers)成員羅傑·拉波特(Roger Laporte)在紐約聯合國大樓前自焚。第二天他就死了。
Emily, Child, by Tố Hữu.
Emily, come with me
Later you'll grow up you'll know the streets, no longer feel lost
- Where are we going, dad?
- To the banks of the Potomac
- To see what, dad?
Nothing my child, there's just the Pentagon.
Oh my child, your round eyes
Oh my child, your locks so golden
Don't ask your father so many questions, dear!
I'll carry you out, this evening you go home with your mother...
Oh, those souls
That remain or are lost
Blaze, blaze the Truth!
You fucker, your crimes accumulate
All humanity detests
The yellow demon upon this earth.
You cannot borrow the crimson waters
Of God, and Buddha's yellow.
Where are you hiding, asshole? In the burial yard
Of a five corner building
Each corner a continent
You still squeeze your head
Inside hot flames
Like the ostrich buries its head in the scorching sands
Look over here!
Look at me right now!
Oh it's not only me with my little daughter in my arms
I am Today
And my daughter, oh Emily, you are forever!
I stand awake,
With the great heart
Of a hundred million
To flame, light up the horizon
A light
Of Justice.
Hey all you fuckers, pack of devils
In whose name?
You bring B52s
Napalm, poison gas
From the White House
From Guam
To Vietnam
To liquidate peace and national freedom
To incinerate hospitals and schools
Murder people who only know love
Murder kids who only know going to school
Murder green fields, four seasons of leaves and blossoms
And even murder rivers of poetry, music and art!
In whose name?
You bury the bloom of our youth in coffins
Oh, those strong, handsome sons
Who can transform nature to into electricity, steel
For people's happiness today!
In whose name?
You bring me to dense jungles
Spiked pits, muddy fields of resistance
Villages that become fortress that disperse to reappear
Nights and days where the heavens and earth shake and jolt
Oh Vietnam, a strange land
To the children who become heroes
To the wild bees who train to be warriors
And the trees and flowers become weapons!
Go ahead and die, die
All you jerks, a pack of demons
And I ask that you listen, my America!
To the voices of pain, of eternal hatred
Of a child. Of a person of this century
Emily, oh child!
It's beginning to get dark...
I can carry you no further
When I ignite, light up as a flame
Tonight, your mother will come find you
You'll hug her and kiss
Her for me
And tell your mother this for me:
I left happy, mother don't be sad!
Remains or is lost?
It's come, the moment when my heart's brightest
I set fire to myself
So the flames dazzle