HEDY EPSTEIN: I know what it feels like to be discriminated against, to be oppressed, and I can’t stand idly by when I see there are problems. I can’t solve every problem, I probably can’t solve any problem, but I have to do whatever it is possible for me to do. I just cannot stand idly by, because if I did—and anyone that stand idly by becomes complicit in what is going on.
最近看荷索(Werner Herzog)的《Land of Silence and Darkness》,挺感動,特別是最後一幕,看了無數遍,一個盲者無聲無息摸索樹枝離去。我心亦如是。劇終寫著:「即使世界大戰爆發,我也無所察覺。」我已交代學姐,死後若有墓碑,就以此為誌。
即便是邏輯,即便是數學,所思所想,無非一個「我」字;我言我行恐非老想著世界的改革者所能真心欣賞,可當一個哀嘆者發出悲鳴,斷然不是為了取悅於人或改變世界。蒙田(Michel de Montaigne)說:「『我』是我的形上學。」相對於蒙田的生活哲學,維根斯坦被視為分析哲學宗師,一生寫下千萬字哲學筆記,無一字提及「我」,但他卻總結自己的一切著作無非記錄著一種「純粹屬於我個人的痛苦」。